Veseli in srečni smo, da smo lahko gostili tako izjemno flavtistko, ki je poleg tega, da je odlična virtuozinja na svojem instrumentu, zelo srčna, prijazna in pozitivna oseba. Še dolgo nam bo ostala v prelepem spominu. Verjamemo pa, da tudi vam, udeležencem seminarja, ki se vam iskreno zahvaljujemo, da smo lahko skupaj z vami spisali še eno prijetno “flavtistično zgodbo”.
Hvala našemu dolgoletnemu partnerju trgovini Flavtelje (Daminelli Pietro d.o.o.) za vso pomoč pri izvedbi seminarja in seveda hvala tudi Nini Fajfar Baša, za izvedbo sobotne popoldanske delavnice.
Še posebej hvala vam prof. Adriana Ferreira, da ste nas počastili z obiskom in hvala za vsako besedo in misel, ki ste nam jo namenili. Bilo nam je čast in v ponos, da smo lahko del vaše zgodbe tudi v Nazarjah. Kmalu spet na svidenje in srečen let domov!
We are so pleased that we could host such an outstanding flutist who, besides being an excellent virtuoso on her instrument, is a very warmhearted, kind and positive person. She will remain for us as a most wonderful memory for a long time. We would like to share also our deep gratification for the numerous participants of the flute seminar. You have contributed to creating such an amazing working musical atmosphere.
Thanks to our long-time partner Flavtele (Daminelli Pietro d.o.o.) for all the help in conducting the seminar and, of course, thanks also to Nina Fajfar Baša for the Saturday afternoon workshop.
Special thanks to prof. Adriana Ferreira. You have honored us with your visit and by sharing every word and thought you have made a great impact on us. It was our honor and pride that you could come to Nazarje and that we could be part of your musical life journey. Hope that you have enjoyed our hospitality and we sincerely hope to see you soon again.
We wish you a pleasant flight home!